Non-invasive measurement of emotional reactions based on an analysis of mimic expressions. This method provides information regarding the emotional engagement and the level of six basic emotions (anger, happiness, sadness, surprise, fear and disgust) during exposure to the stimuli.
In practice, this measure also shows at which moments the consumer feels bored or irritated and when they are positively involved in Your communication.
We have at our disposal an emotional engagement benchmark. The database of benchmark materials is constantly being updated. At present, it contains over 8,000 adverts and over 400 animatics.
Automatic measurement of visual attention distribution. Eye Tracking helps identify the elements that draw the consumers’ gaze. It enables learning what is noticed and what remains non-visible. Eye Tracking assures an objective evaluation of the layout of visuals, information content and other elements in space (i.e. in a retail outlet).
We use SMI eyetracking equipment. We have at our disposal the stationary equipment which can be connected to any monitor or projector, as well as mobile equipment in the form of glasses.
Explicit and implicit attitudes are fundamental drivers to consumer are fundamental drivers to consumer decisions. This is why the most effective method is to use complementary measurements, to learn about the conscious and unconscious motivations for actions.
Planimetrics is a proprietary Neuroidea tool for reaching judgements that are conscious, but not excessively rationalized. Thanks to the use of a continuous scale with response time measurements, we reach spontaneous, instinctive judgements which are the product of genuine consumer attitudes.
On the other hand, the response time measurement enables exploring implicit attitudes that consumers are often unaware of and which they can’t verbalize, but which have a profound impact on their response to brands and communication.
We use a database of benchmarks of advert and animatic evaluation data.
Experts’ analysis of the contents of the tested material, focusing on the hero, the conflict in the story, the role of the product, the goals of the hero and his possible transformation. This method allows explaining the reason for a given opinion and response of the respondents. Storytelling analysis provides very useful recommendations, helping set the course for modifications to the marketing material.
Qualitative research are usually not the sole basis for developing recommendations. However, without them, it is impossible to fully grasp the motivations driving customers. Declarations are the best way to verify the understanding of the message. Comparing statements with emotional response measurements allows us to find areas where there are potential problems or opportunities worth seizing.
Behavioral observation allows you to see how the consumer interacts with your product, regardless of whether it is a website, mobile app or home appliance. Non-verbal indications are also analyzed during the interview, which provides additional insight into the respondents’ attitudes and emotions.